Awesome Expression > Judgmental Stuff
"Are the gods not just?" "Oh no, child. What would become of us if they were?" - C.S. Lewis
Judgmental Menu:
On Being Judgmental

Throughout my life, I have been what people categorize as "very good".

There was once a woman who "led a sinful life" - the kind who everyone spat on. No big deal, she was used to it, and the money was good, until through an epiphany from above, she came to realize the fullness of her depravity.

She had some savings - money from her depravity - that perhaps may allow her to live a simple life for a while. But deep down she knew this was not enough. This is the funny thing about money. It can buy everything in life except the ones that truly matter. Money can neither buy purity nor peace. So this woman took a huge risk. Prostitutes make the greatest gamblers. Everything she had, she betted it on this man she never met. All because he claimed to grant forgiveness. How does that even work?

This crazy woman took all her life savings and bought the most expensive alabaster flask of ointment. I know, that sounds pretty random. I told you, she was crazy. And yet this was what she did. It was her everything. Her hands shook and her head churned as she carried it. Everyone on the street recognized her. How dare she walked under broad daylight!

Even though she had never seen him, she recognized him at once. It was as if she had known him all her life, or rather, he had known her all along. And she knew he was real.

A moneylender had 2 debtors. One owed 5000, the other 5. When they could not pay, he cancelled the debt of both out of mercy. Which of them will love him more? Her sins, which are many, were forgiven. Hence she loved much. But he who is forgiven little, loves little.

Throughout my life, I had been meticulous in trying to be right. I never skipped school, cheated, slacked off, gotten into trouble, or thrown myself away at stupid things. Not a single blunder! Do you know how much self discipline this takes? Do you know how much fun I sacrificed to be without blemish? I am living proof that it is possible to avoid all of these. Yes, YOU CAN! Show me your excuse and I shall laugh!

So you see, I owed very, very little, or so I thought. Hence I am only able to love very, very little, perhaps only enough for myself. And in my little shell, my love for myself seems enough, until through an epiphany from above, I came to realize the fullness of my depravity. What depravity?

That was how I learned that I am very judgmental. And very annoying. I can tell you it is no fun going suddenly from the judge to the judged. But where judgment can sink like an iron weight deep into the ocean, mercy can lift like wings towards the sky. My biggest strength is that I am keenly aware of my weaknesses, and my biggest weakness is that I do not have the strength to overcome them. Not alone. How wretched I am! And yet, how blessed I am! For I am not alone.

Now that you feel all warm and fuzzy, run along and read the inspiring Judge Expression’s Courtroom Service
or play the epic Justice
Bao Flash Game!
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"For children are innocent and love justice, while most of us are wicked and naturally prefer mercy." – G.K. Chesterton
You can even Ask Judge Expression Anything! Awesome!
"For children are innocent and love justice, while most of us are wicked and naturally prefer mercy." – G.K. Chesterton
