Christmas 2014 Day 2

Merry Christmas and welcome to Day 2! Click on the big picture to download the set, or download select individual objects by clicking on single object shots. These Sims 1 objects are created by Expression (me!). Read the object description for Expansion Pack requirement and other awesome info!
Select Individual Downloads:
Christmas2014 Bakery
Box (hacked Sim 1 object)
Merry Christmas from 2014! Admit it - Christmas is a great excuse to binge before making the New Year's Resolution to lose weight! The Christmas Bakery Box will strengthen your resolution by providing a wide choice of cute unhealthy food 24 hours a day. Choose from Christmas Ham, Christmas log, mini Santa, mini Christmas tree, and mini snowman!
Christmas2014 Clothes
Tree (hacked Sim 1 object)
Merry Christmas from 2014! Have you ever wondered about the functionality of a Christmas tree? With our Christmas Clothes Tree, you can put the tree to good use by accessing new clothes for your Christmas parties! Wonder no more and start changing now!
Christmas2014 No pet
Merry Christmas from 2014! When Baby Jesus was born in a manger, He was surrounded by animals. But no! Those were no pets! They were horses, cows, and sheep that exist to do dirty work or become supper for man. So away with you, useless pets that sleep on feather beds and get manicure in salons, go back to your cooing owners!
Christmas2014 No paper stocking
Merry Christmas from 2014! Say NO to old newspaper stuffed in your Christmas stocking to make it look full! Get our No Paper Stocking to show that YOU deserve better than paper!