sims 1 Chinese new year calendar 2014
Day 1 - Click the large picture to download all. Be sure to read the object descriptions below to see what they do!
Red Packet Tangerine (hacked Sims 1 object)
Chinese New Year tradition: Married Chinese give out “red packets” with cash inside to kids and single young people. Tangerine is a lucky plant because its name sounds like the word “luck’. >> Just married and broke? Need some serious cash to fill red packets for the horde of kids sent by their greedy parents to your modest abode? The infamous red packet tangerine will give red packets to the person who deserves them most – YOU! From $100 to $50k, get free cash whenever you want! Rumor has it that cash obtained is automatically debited from your future retirement account BUT that won’t be confirmed until you actually reach retirement – which may never happen.
Daffodil Guest Bringer (hacked Sims 1 object)
Chinese New Year tradition: The Chinese pay visits to relatives and friends during the New Year in order of importance. Daffodil is a popular plant for the New Year as a symbol of purity and freshness. >> Feeling unimportant and unappreciated? Nobody visiting you on the First Day of the New Year? The daffodil guest bringer to the rescue! Random friends, enemies, and strangers will ring your doorbell – adjust your level of importance by choosing how many guests you want daily. Now freshen up and prepare to greet your worst enemy!
Stone lion no pet sign
Chinese New Year tradition: A pair of stone lion serves as a guardian at the front door of traditional houses. >> Are your neighbor’s pets driving you nuts? Get the stone lion to guard your door. Its grandiose air is sure to scare all petty pets away from your less-than-grandiose abode.
Fu sliding doors
Chinese New Year tradition: The character Fu means fortune and is “The Word” of New Year. >> Get those guests streamlining through these fortune sliding doors! For a limited time only, super-value bundle also available including our lost-a-limb accident insurance.
Fu windows
Chinese New Year tradition: The character Fu means fortune and is “The Word” of New Year. >> Need some down time from all your guests? Get the tiny Fu window! Guaranteed to pique guest interest into what you are up to in your room.